Tuesday, January 31, 2012

Too much stuff

I'm still not sure if I'm moving tonight or tomorrow morning. I'm supposed to move tomorrow but today mama said something that I didn't fully understand and now I'm a little confused but that's okay. I've been mostly sleeping the whole day and yea. I don't know about the internet connection or anything in the next family so huh. Se jaapi nahtavaks!

Sunday, January 29, 2012

Around Taiwan

Uh voi heti alottaa silla etta WHY AM I SICK AGAIN? Olin kipee viimeks kolme viikkoa sitte. Grah. Ja miten hienoa onkaan tulla kipeeks loma reissulla Taiwanin ihanimmassa ranta cityssa? Voisin sanoa jotain ihanaa tahan mutta ehka kuitenki jatan valiin.

Mutta joo siis Taiwanin ympari tosiaa ajettii ja oon erityisen onnellinen etten kuollut/saatu poliiseja peraamme kun host isani on niiin taitava ajaja. Ei oikeesti voi olla mahollista rikoa joka ikista liikenne saantoa!

Lahettiin siis keskiviikko aamuna ajamaan Tainania kohti. Pysaheltiin melko usein kun pikkusisko halus suklaata ja host isa tarvi tupakka taukoja. (Silti oltiin perilla varmaa 2 tuntia normaaleja ihmisia nopeemmin.) Kavastiin jossain suola vuorella ja suola museossa ja kaytiin syomassa sedan ravintolassa. Siela meni joo se kolme tuntia vahintaan haha. Ruoka oli kyl vaihteeks tosi hyvaa! Pelattiin suurin osa ajasta pikkusiskojen kaa ilmakiekkoa ipadilla. Ja se hotelli missa nukuttiin oli aika ihana. (kaipaan kyl suomalaista hotelli aamupalaa taal on vaa jtn riisiliha vellia ja alloja vihnneksia ja nakkeja yh ;___;)

Seuraavana paivana kierreltiin ensin Tainanissa vahan kavastiin jossai Hollantilaisessa talossa? en oo ihan varma mika se oli.

Arvakkaa miks sen nena on noin kulunu? Sen hieraseminen tuottaa onnea jee.

Pieni valipala. Tehty pelkastaan sokerista.

Syotiin jtn lounaan tapasta ja suunnattiin jolleki Taiwanin ensimmaiselle temppelille. En tajunnu selityksista et mika ensimmainen temppeli se oli mut joo.

Sen jalkeen lahettiin ajamaan kohti Kaoshiungia. Whaa oon halunnu menna sinne siita asti kun Taiwaniin tulin jee!

Taa tsydeemi on muuten myos mun blogin taustakuvas!

Kaveltiin lohikaarmeen sisalla.

Hehee! Siella olis oikeesti ollu t-paita keli.

Kilpikonnia :3

Kaoshiungista jatkettiin matkaa kohti Kentingia, Taiwanin etelaisinta paikkaa(ja lampiminta!) Hotelli ei ollu yhta hohdokas ku edellinen mut eei se mitaan. Mentiin pyorimaan night marketille mutta jostain syysta en ollu oikeen night market tuulella. Kun paastiin takasin hotelille ni jee tajusin etta mulla on kuumetta! <3

Taa oli nakyma meian hotelli huoneen parvekkeelta. En paassy edes kaymaan rannalla. Ei siks etta olin kipee vaan siks et mun vanhempi pikkusisko ei menny ni en tienny et muut meni jeje. Voin sanoo et olin hiukka vihai.

Lahettiin ajaan kohti Hualienia. Pysahdeltiin matkalla liian monta kertaa ottamaan valokuvia. Hehe ei silla etten ois halunnu ja maisemat oli kylla upeita mut oisin viihtyny nukkumisen parissa mielummin. Mika on kylla ikava myontaa kun sanotaan etta vaihto-oppilaitten taytyy olla aina mukana ja jeejee asenteella mut minka sille mahdoin etta oli 38asttetta lampoo?

Joo ajettiin ja ajettiin ja illalla pysahdyttiin Yulissa syomaan kun mun Rotary clubilla on siela kaveri Rotary clubi. Oli kiva naha Leticiaa pitkasta aikaa vaikka pelkasinkin tartuttavani kaikki. Hotelli oli talla ertaa hiukan erh no suoraan sanottuna kamala. Mut onneks niin oli olokin kun hotellille asti pitkan paivan jalkeen paastiin ni ei tarvinnu miettia mitaan muuta ku nukkumaan menoa.

Aamulla kierrettii vaha Hualienia ja lahettiin ajamaan kotiin pain. Maisemat oli taas kerran upeita haha ja olokin oli vahan parempi.

Noi tiet oli kylla ihanan mutkikkaista voin sanoo mun kyynarvaressa on kiva mustelma kun siina auton ovessa oli sellai kiva kahva mita vasten kolista. Me kierrettiin kotiin vahan pidempaa ja pienempaa tieta etta valtettiin liikenneruuhkat. Mitka muuten on harmittavan yleisia. 

Voin sanoa etta oli ihanaa paasta kotiin mutta oli kylla kiva reissukin. Oon nyt kayny Taiwanin lantisimmas, etelaisimmas, itaisimmasa osassa ja keskella. Hassua etta pohjosin uupuu vaikka asun vaan tunnin ajomatkan paassa.

Mutta joo toivon nyt etta huomenna ois parempi olo ni vois alotella pakkaamaan kun toi muutto on edessa nyt keskiviikkona ja sitte heti torstaina kai lahen takasin Hualieniin Cindyn aidin ja kolmen muun vaihtarin kaa(entiia luultavasti tulee muitakin) mut se ei kai oo viela taysin varmaa.

Kaipa sita taytys yrittaa jotain syoda nyt vaikka kurkku sanooki ei kiitos. Palloteeta ja hunajakakkua? Yeeees!


Tuesday, January 24, 2012

Chinese New Year

 龍年行大運 !

So it's the year of dragon now!
I didn't have my camera during the new years celebrations haha way to go.

Winter vacation has been kinda boring. I've studied lot of chinese haha!

Last monday I went bowling with Nash!

Tuesday was the last day of school for my classmates and they had a little trip because of that. We went to National Taiwan Science Education Centre. We made some kind f lotion and walked around. Se oli vahaku Taiwanilai Heureka.

No idea what they are doing.

After that we had free time in Shilin night market. What does that mean? SHOPPING. Even if you don't have money that's okay. I walked around with three classmates and Aoi because Gillian had to go home early. We all bought cute bracelets! And after we were too tired we went to eat at KFC. I'm not a big fan of their chicken so I only ate their heavenly eggcakes!

Okay they don't look very pretty but the taste ah.

I look so evil!

This is what I bought! Haha I want to go back there because these were so cheap!

The lotion we made. It smells like orange.

On friday we went to live in my host family's Sanxia home for three days.

On the sunday it was the new years eve and we went to eat at this big and expensive looking restaurant. The food was okaay haha.

Yesterday we went to Sanxia old street to visit temples. Omg never seen so many people there. I have been to that temple five times. Almost couldn't walk. After that we drove to Pingxi. It was raining. But still we got fly the huge lantern!

We all wrote something we wanted on it

 Today we visited also some old street somewhere I really have no idea where. The train station said Neiwan haha.

All these new year photos are taken with Mama's cellphone. Haha.
The next three photos are only ones I took! Yeah I took them today after we got home lol.



I also emptied my cellphone's memory card today so here random photos from january for you

Who says that school is boring?
珍珠奶茶! this is actually from christmas haha :D

I made snowflakes with 5th graders in the elementary school we taught. 
Pink and purple in the up left corner are mine!

Nothing to say.

This was my breakfast one day. So cute!

Okaay tomorrow we are leaving to Tainan and umm Kenting and Hualien. So we are basically going to drive around the island.

And I'm going to move on the 1st of february. Scary.

Uah I have a feeling that I'm not going to sleep tonight cos I've drank too much coke :<


Wednesday, January 11, 2012

New Year 2012

I know I'm a bit late but yea happy new year! My new year was interesting. It could have been worse haha. We went to this so called "Harley Davidson 2012 Bling Bling New Year party"
This is going to be a really short post.

So yea motorcycles haha.

Can you recognize mee?

Harley Davidson doggie!

At the party there was grilled meat and bread for food. I didn't like it. BUT THEY HAD ALSO THESE AMAZING CHOCOLATE COOKIES OMG. haha. Those three girls were the performers there.

And when you are the only one with not back hair they will notice you pretty easily.

This dude was cool haha.

Taipei 101 fireworks!

The first of january we went to eat lunch with the family of my host dad. Lat saturday I was supposed to go to Pingxi with exchange students but I had fever so I had to stay home :< Maybe someone can take me there when it gets little warmer and when it's not RAINING.

Aaand winter vacation started today. No school for four weeks! chool! And MAYBE I don't know for sure but maybee I'm going to move before the chinese new year. and that means I'd be moving in two weeeks! Whaa!

We are going to have a movie day and a sleepover tomorrow with Gillian and Aoi.

But yea I told you this is short post. Nothing so interesting happening lately.