First I want to just say that the weather has been freeezing last few days. My fingers are so cold! And it's still 13c haha.
But yeaa let's go back in time to last friday. After school I went out with german exchange student Anne and two of her taiwanese friends. We went to Huashan creative park. There should have been lot's of different kind of performances and stuff but they were preparing for the big show on saturday so there was not so much to see.
There was a tiny museum and these paintings were so cool haha. We decided to go to Taipei main station underground market to see and to eat dinner. I didn't buy anything haha. We ate some beef noodles or something. They were expensive. Really.
On saturday we decided to go to Keelung with my host family. We went to eat lunch to Keelung night market.(I wanna go there again!) After lunch we drove to see the sea.
I wonder what did those circles to the stone.
We drove to Jiufen. It's old gold mining town. So the part of the sea that was infront of it was brown water. It's called the golden sea.
Omg I'm touching gold!
I liked it but I didn't like it. The whole time I was thinking "what if those things from Silent Hill suddenly comes from those black holes?" No I'm not scared haha. And the tunnels were wet. Ja siela oli hemmetti liikkeen tunnistimet joiden kohalle ku tulit ni jostain rupes aina kuulumaan pamahtelua ja kilketta ja huutoa. Ei en ees pelastyny parilla ekalla kerralla.
Sunday was lazy day. I didn't go anywhere. I didn't do anything. Okay i studied chinese yay I'm a good student. But that evening the sunset looked amazing! Ignore the dirty window haha.
Monday was normal school day but tuesday to thursday other students had exams. So we wouldn't had anything to do buuut our teachers are so nice that they had planned something for everyday :)
On tuesday Mr. Liu took us to "bridge tour" haha. We drove to middle of nowhere(sorry I don't remember the name of that place haha)and stopped at three different kind of bridges. And the views were amazing and the water was so blue!
The bridge number one!
While we were walking on the bridge and taking photos Mr. Liu had found this :S
This is on the way to the second bridge. These photos are not showing the amazingness of that place at all. So beautiful!
Then we arrived to the second bridge. THERE WAS A CHRISTMAS TREE! :D
Looks funny haha it was 27c warm and so sunny. Christmas trees need snow not sun haha! We had to go through tunnel to get to the bridge.
It's a persimmon not tomato!!!
The third bridge was the most anticipated. Hanging bridge!
choool haha
Then our music teacher wanted to take us somwhere on wednesday. She took us to Beipu! It's a Hakka village somewhere in Hsinchu.
On the way there we stopped to take photos to a pretty flowef field. There was soo much mosquitos I almost died!
It's food. They say it's very delicious even if it doesn't really look like that. I didn't taste.
We went to see a temple there. Kinda normal. I've seen so much temples that they are starting to get a bit boring already. But this was the first time I saw these tiny golden buddha things that you can buy(very expensive) for a year and the buddha will protect you.
We made wishes for the god with two styles. They have these wooden banana shaped things that you keep two in your hands and after a wish you throw them to the floor and see how they land. Then the other way was that you make a wish and then take a wooden stick and it has something written on it and then you go and get a piece of paper and it has a answer for you. yay.
Our lunch. Those balls are made of rice.
After we had eaten we accidetally met with some exchange students from Gillian&Aoi's rotary district and we decided to go make tea together after they had eaten. When they were eating we got to taste freaking awesome bananas omg and we bought those things that you can make bubbles with.(I know that you know what I mean!) Also we had bubbles that didn't get broken when you touch them but I don't really have so much photos haha.
Me making 擂茶!
Oooo! It was kinda good yea. I'm not so big fan of tea haha.
The one on the right is our music teacher :)
Thursday was rainy and cold and we went to Keelung with some teachers. We went to some park that had tiny lake and something..
So fluffy I'm gonna dieeee! ♥
There was a huge chicken in the middle of nowhere o__o
We went to eat seafood yay. And then we drove to a small cafe somwhere near sea. So cold and windy haha.
There was a bird so we had to act like it. We just HAD to.
And I ate cheesecake!(It's better in Finland)
The waves were so cool!
And then today I went shopping to Ximending with Leticia and Cecilia. We met two other exchange students there too haha. And after that we went to Shilin night market! It was fun haha! I had very nice day today even if it was freeezing! But I bought new scarf and christmas presents! Yay! Tomorrow(no today it's already past midnight!) I'm going to computer exhibition to see if I can find a good new computer. Didiii.
Baibai! 晚安!
Ko luin edellistä blogimerkintää, yhes vaihees tuli sellai fiilis et pakko kommentoida "IT'S SO FLUFFY I'M GONNA DIIIE" ja nyt se tulee täsä haha :DD Miksei suomesaki vois olla noin jännää..
ReplyDeleteOn jotenkin niin söpöä, kun teksti on yleensä vain englanniksi ja nyt tuli muutama sana/lause suomeksikin ja ihmiset varmaan luuli että nukahdit näppäimistöön tai jotain kun alkaa suomeksi tulla tekstiä :DD
ReplyDeleteMiks kirjoitat blogiasi enganniksi ? Olisi kivempi jos kirjoittaisin suomeksi, olisi paljon hienompaa kuulla seikkailuistasi niin että varmasti ymmärtäisi jokaisen sanan.
ReplyDeleteHieno ja mielenkiintoinen blogi todella !
Uu kiitos! Kirjotan englanniksi sen takia kun moni muu vaihto-oppilas ja taiwanilaiset koulukaverit lukee mun blogia kanssa. Oon kylla suunnitellu kirjottavani jossain valissa suomekskii.(ja suomenkielesta alkaa sanajarjestys kadota ni joskus tekstia on vahan hankala ehka lukea)