Wednesday, August 10, 2011

I hate packing

This is how my room looks atm. How am I supposed to stuff everything I need in that suitcase if the weight limit is 20kg? And for the bag I'm taking to the plane with me the weight limit is 7kg. 27kg alltogether and the bags take 7kg of that. It leaves 20kg for me to use. Impossible.

I finally finished my project on last sunday. Am I slow or what? But this is how the results looks. There's these paper notes even in the bathroom.

I'm still waiting for my insurance policy to come from Taiwan and e-mail from my host club. I haven't been able to make contact with them. But at least they know my flights now.

9 days left.

1 comment:

  1. I don't have my flight or visa yet. Though it suppose to come soon =D

    0_0 you have already started packing??? I feel slow now lol.
